
What is Jobs4U?

Jobs4U services ensure that you get the most relevant and latest jobs. We have two services in this category. Job Mail – you receive jobs via email and Jobs on the move – you receive jobs via SMS.

What is Jobs on the Move?

Jobs on the Move is a service that delivers the most relevant and jobs to you via mobile over SMS. You will receive a job if it is relevant to you within 48 hours of the job being posted. You can also apply to jobs via SMS, even if you don’t have internet access in your mobile.. However, you must provide an Indian mobile number to be able to receive jobs on SMS.

What is Job Mail service?

In Jobmail, we send you most relevant jobs available on and jobs crawled from other web sources via email. We send you jobs twice a week as per your preferences given to our Job Mail agent



When do I start receiving Job Mails?

Incase taken with Resume writing, 6 working days from the date of resume finalization.

Incase not taken with Resume writing, 6 working days from the date of receipt of the updated resume and payment, whichever is later.

When do I start receiving Job SMSes on my mobile?

Incase taken with Resume writing, 6 working days from the date of resume finalization.

Incase not taken with Resume writing, 6 working days from the date of receipt of the updated resume and payment,whichever is later.


How is Job Mail different from Job alerts that I currently receive?

In Job Mail, our experts set customized filters as per your profile and job preferences.  On the basis of these filters  job mails are sent to you twice a week. To initiate the same, our job mail expert has a detailed discussion regarding your  job preferences. This discussion is also monitored for call quality by our team, to ensure you are asked all relevant questions.

In job alerts, we send auto generated jobs picked up by the system to non-paid members.

How can I apply to Jobs received through Job Mail?

The mail containing job opportunities can be applied for by clicking on the tab, “View and apply” mentioned next to each job opening. In order to apply to the crawled jobs from other corporate websites, you need to log-in to the website of the concerned company and follow the apply instructions.

For how long will the job mail service remain valid?

This service remains valid either for 3 months or 6 months depending on your purchase.

Will someone contact me know my job preferences?

Our Job Mail team contacts you in order to set customized filters as per your job search needs. If you feel the need, you can change your preferences anytime during the tenure of your service by contacting our customer service team or jobmail team.

Do I need GPRS to be activated on my mobile to apply to these jobs?

You do not need GPRS to be activated on your mobile to apply to these jobs.